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来源:运动精品 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-08-24 18:16
摘要:背景:目前还没有关于“运动与认知”领域的CiteSpace可视化分析。 目的:运动对认知领域的研究越来越受重视,梳理该领域的研究进展,为相关领域研究者提供借鉴与参考。 方法:对



方法:对Web of Science核心合集数据库进行检索,文献检索式为:(TI=(exercise AND cognit*)OR TI=(exercise AND learning)OR TI=(exercise AND memory)OR TI=(exercise AND feeling)OR TI=(exercise AND thinking)OR TI=(exercise AND imagination)OR TI=(exercise AND language)OR TI=(exercise AND perception))AND文献类型:(Article OR Review)。检索时间跨度为“1989-01-01/2018-12-25”。以Web of Science数据库中所收录的2 175篇相关文献为内容,利用CiteSpace软件进行可视化分析。


BACKGROUND:Currently,there is still no visual analysis using Citespace software in the field of“Sports and Cognition.”

OBJECTIVE:As increasing concern has been paid on the effect of sports on cognition,to summarize the research development in this field that can provide references for researchers in relevant fields.

METHOD:Web of Science database was retrieved as the following strategy:(TI=(exercise AND cognit*)OR TI=(exercise AND learning)OR TI=(exercise AND memory)OR TI=(exercise AND feeling)OR TI=(exercise AND thinking)OR TI=(exercise AND imagination)OR TI=(exercise AND language)OR TI=(exercise AND perception))AND type of literature:(Article OR Review).The length of search time was from January 1st,1989 to December 25th, on the 2 175 related literature in the Web of Science database,CiteSpace software was used for visual analysis.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:In recent years,research on the field of“Sports and Cognition”has developed most popular countries and regions are mainly located in North America and research in this field includes both applied research and basic research,involving almost all diseases associated with exercise is mainly used,but it is unclear about the cognitive levels of different populations under different forms of aerobic classic research methods of many disciplines have been used in this field to study cognitive indicators and neurobiological indicators related to aerobic are two major knowledge groups in this field,including “changes in cognition caused by sports”and “mechanism of cognition caused by sports.”Further cross-regional and cross-national cooperation is should strengthen the research on the mode and intensity of various kinds of exercises and seek for the optimal exercise to improve the cognitive level of different populations,and use as many indicators as possible to assess the effects of exercise on cognition.

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文章来源:《运动精品》 网址: http://www.ydjpzz.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0824/615.html


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