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来源:运动精品 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-01-25 12:45
摘要:图版Ⅰ 不同日龄幼虫形态特征PlateⅠ Morphological characteristics at different days post hatching1. 1日龄幼虫; 2. 4日龄幼虫; 3. 7日龄幼虫; 4. 10日龄幼虫; 5. 13日龄幼虫

图版Ⅰ 不同日龄幼虫形态特征PlateⅠ Morphological characteristics at different days post hatching1. 1日龄幼虫; 2. 4日龄幼虫; 3. 7日龄幼虫; 4. 10日龄幼虫; 5. 13日龄幼虫; 6. 16日龄幼虫; 7. 19日龄幼虫; 8. 22日龄幼虫; 9. 25日龄幼虫; 10. 28日龄幼虫; 11. 31日龄幼虫; 12. 稚贝1. 1 dph larvae; 2. 4 dph larvae; 3. 7 dph larvae; 4. 10 dph larvae; 5. 13 dph larvae; 6. 16 dph larvae; 7. 19 dph larvae; 8. 22 dph larvae; 9. 25 dph larvae; 10. 28 dph larvae; 11. 31 dph larvae;

图版Ⅱ 合浦珠母贝幼虫运动状态PlateⅡ The moving states ofPinctada fucatalarvae1. 幼虫在水中运动状态俯视图; 2. 幼虫在水中运动状态侧面观示意图; 3. 变态幼虫; 4. 幼虫在水面运动状态俯视图; 5. 幼虫在水面运动状态侧面观示意图; 6. 变态幼虫运动状态; Vel. 面盘; Cil. 纤毛; Fro. 前端; Bac. 后端; Umb. 壳顶; Foo. 斧足; Gil. 鳃1. The top view of larvae moving in the water; 2. The side view of larvae moving in the water; 3. Metamorphosed larvae; 4. The top view of larvae state on the surface of the water; 5. The side view of larvae moving on the surface of the water; 6. The metamorphosed larvae moving state in the water vel: velum; Cil: cilia; Fro: front; Bac: back; Umb: umbo; Foo: foot; Gil: gill

图版 Ⅲ 幼虫与稚贝摄食状态Plate Ⅲ Ingestion status ofP. fucatalarvae and juvenile1. 合浦珠母贝幼虫; 2. 合浦珠母贝稚贝; Cil. 纤毛; Vel. 面盘; Fro. 前端; Int. 肠; Sto. 胃; Bac. 后端; Gar. 鳃弓; Gfd. 鳃丝间距; Gfi. 鳃丝;Foo. 斧足1.P. fucatalarvae; 2.P. fucatajuvenile; Cil. cilia; Vel. velum; Fro. front; Int. intestines; Sto. stomach; Bac. back; Gar. gill arch; Gfd. gill filament distance; Gfi. gill filament; Foo. foot

文章来源:《运动精品》 网址: http://www.ydjpzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0125/1010.html

上一篇:青年伊犁马2 000 m测试赛对其心率变异性的影响

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